Tag: Email security

  • Phishing: Stopping Socially Engineered ChatGPT Threats

    Phishing: Stopping Socially Engineered ChatGPT Threats

      ChatGPT and other generative AI techniques may be used to create believable phishing emails and social engineering schemes. Here’s how to recognise them and combat them. What is the distinction between a tool and a weapon? It all comes down to purpose. What someone uses to be creative may also be utilised to be…

  • Cybercriminals are targeting your emails in these 3 ways

    Cybercriminals are targeting your emails in these 3 ways

    To keep their emails safe, businesses must stay ahead of the strategies of cybercriminals. These strategies include rogue software, social engineering, and other threats. When it comes to securing our employees and their email use, things were a lot easier not long ago. We were all equipped with a data centre. Many of our workers…

  • Email Security: Email is most susceptible communication medium

    Email Security: Email is most susceptible communication medium

    Threats frequently get through email security measures. Even though users have a range of communication tools and instant messaging services, email remains the most serious cybersecurity threat. This is according to the new research that examines security strategies released by email security providers.  Following a study of over 500 IT and cybersecurity experts from commercial and public…

  • Microsoft 365 phishing attempts using RPMSG encryption

    Microsoft 365 phishing attempts using RPMSG encryption

    In targeted phishing attempts meant to avoid detection by email security gateways, attackers are increasingly employing encrypted RPMSG files delivered via hacked Microsoft 365 accounts to steal email host credentials.   RPMSG files are also known as restricted permission message files. They are encrypted email attachments produced with Microsoft’s Rights Management Services (RMS). They provide an additional degree of…

  • Dropbox: Your email may have received a fraudulent link

    Dropbox: Your email may have received a fraudulent link

    Dropbox is being used by hackers to distribute malware. Researchers claim cybercriminals are leveraging legal cloud storage and backup services to ensure that their infected files reach recipients’ inboxes. The researchers called the practise Business Email Compromise (BEC) 3.0. They believe email service providers have become much more adept at identifying and filtering fraudulent communications.     Hackers…

  • Man in the middle in phishing attacks are increasing  

    Man in the middle in phishing attacks are increasing  

    Man-in-the-middle attacks used in phishing are becoming more and more common.  Because man-in-the-middle assaults in phishing operations are so effective, criminals are increasingly using them.    According to a report from cybersecurity website, hackers are enticing victims to web servers capable of brokering the full authentication process rather than just one phoney login page where they…

  • With passkey Google allows you to sign in without passwords

    With passkey Google allows you to sign in without passwords

    Passkeys enable you to access your Google account only using biometrics. We all despise passwords: generating, remembering, storing, and using them. Google has now made a significant step towards a password-free future, relying instead on passkeys. With a passkey, you can now access your Google accounts without using a password by scanning your face or…

  • New Gmail scam: here’s how to keep your inbox safe

    New Gmail scam: here’s how to keep your inbox safe

    Google Rewards are being used as bait in a new Gmail scam. A horrible new Gmail scam is circulating, with some users reporting receiving emails with the subject line “Online Reward Program”. However, like with other unwanted emails, it’s too good to be true.   Despite claiming to be from Google Workspace company and that the receiver…

  • Combatting Junk Mail: Keep Your Inbox Clean

    Combatting Junk Mail: Keep Your Inbox Clean

    An email is a fantastic tool for connecting with friends, family, and professional contacts. But regrettably, spam, commonly known as junk mail, is its awful underbelly. You must be diligent, and patient, and take certain actions to stop junk mail. The amount of spam you receive each day might not be entirely stopped or reduced…

  • These cybersecurity tricks appear more frequently than once a year

    These cybersecurity tricks appear more frequently than once a year

    For cybersecurity, it is advised to pay attention to the sources of information, the links, and the impersonators. Despite our awareness of these innocent practical jokes, bad actors continually try to play on our vulnerability.   Common cyber-attack methods hackers use   Cybercriminals utilise various techniques, including phishing assaults, malicious links, and social engineering, to…