Category: Articles

  • VPS Hosting: 6 Things to Think About Before Purchasing

    VPS Hosting: 6 Things to Think About Before Purchasing

      There are so many options for hosting your website that it’s easy to become overwhelmed. You’re attempting to pick a hosting package and then you’re buried up to your brows in jargon like “downtime”, “control panel”, and “automatic backup”. So, what exactly is a Virtual Private Server Hosting? A VPS is a server with…

  • There is no such thing as the ideal word count for SEO

    There is no such thing as the ideal word count for SEO

    Here’s why you should disregard word count when creating SEO content and instead concentrate on on-page SEO factors. One of the most often asked novice questions concerning SEO content is about word count. “What’s the best word count for SEO?” That is an excellent question. When deciding which material to rank, search engines use a…

  • User Experience: These small things deteriorate it

    User Experience: These small things deteriorate it

    The website’s user experience is an invitation to immerse oneself in a digital world where design meets functionality, an experience that users will remember for some time. These features are sometimes an afterthought. Or set up for marketing or analysis objectives. However, they will drive people insane and away from your website. Overdramatic? Maybe. However,…

  • How are SEO and Email Marketing interconnected?

    How are SEO and Email Marketing interconnected?

    SEO and email marketing, though separate practices, often converge at various stages of the customer journey, complementing each other’s impact. However, email and SEO do overlap, and your methods and techniques for one can influence the other.   Let’s look at how email marketing and SEO may complement one another.   The Fundamentals of SEO…

  • Why infusing Brand Essence into your website is vital?

    Why infusing Brand Essence into your website is vital?

    Your brand essence, also known as brand identity. It represents all of the distinguishing features of your company that set it apart from the competitors. It’s not only your logo or the brand colors you use on your website. Your brand essence includes all your visual assets as well as less tangible characteristics such as…

  • Ways Mobile Applications can help you dominate the Market

    Ways Mobile Applications can help you dominate the Market

      Mobile applications development technologies provide X factor to your business, increase your consumer base and retain existing customers. It contributes to consumer loyalty and service. No matter how well-known your brand is, you must compete with other brands that stifle your growth. Regardless of the industry, mobile applications have become a need for businesses…

  • Email Newsletter: Increase Your Sales with Email Marketing

    Email Newsletter: Increase Your Sales with Email Marketing

    An excellent email newsletter may be your organization’s lifeline. Many successful organizations prioritise email marketing because email generates a whopping $43 return on investment for every $1 invested. The finest email newsletters do not promote sales. Rather, they give value that assists subscribers in solving issues, improving their lives, and achieving their objectives. If you…

  • Website: What to Consider When Choosing Web Hosting

    Website: What to Consider When Choosing Web Hosting

    While creating a website most consumers just consider cost while shopping for Webhosting. However, there is more to hosting than meets the eye, and you should exercise caution when choosing to host. Website owners often search for apparent features such as storage, bandwidth, email storage, number of email accounts, and so on. The webhosting services providers are aware of…

  • How to increase cloud scalability, security, and effectiveness?

    How to increase cloud scalability, security, and effectiveness?

    Businesses need to understand how to enhance the capabilities of cloud security. The worldwide cloud business is rising despite the unstable state of the global economy. With an expected market size of little under £500 billion in 2022 and £1.8 trillion by 2027. The cloud is everywhere we look. Moreover, migration to it and away…

  • Microsoft 365 phishing attempts using RPMSG encryption

    Microsoft 365 phishing attempts using RPMSG encryption

    In targeted phishing attempts meant to avoid detection by email security gateways, attackers are increasingly employing encrypted RPMSG files delivered via hacked Microsoft 365 accounts to steal email host credentials.   RPMSG files are also known as restricted permission message files. They are encrypted email attachments produced with Microsoft’s Rights Management Services (RMS). They provide an additional degree of…