On the internet, privacy and security are big subjects these days, with every IT Company adding new tools to protect your data. Microsoft, on the other hand, is taking the situation lightly. The company’s browser vulnerability research team is testing with “Super Duper Secure Mode,” a new feature in Microsoft Edge. 

Super Duper Secure Mode — yeah, it’s actually named that right now — is still in its early phases, and it works by disabling V8’s Javascript engine’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation. JIT is a technique for accelerating browser performance by compiling JavaScript into machine code before it is utilized. 

Although the benefits are amazing, it also presents several weaknesses that are readily exploited. According to Johnathan Norman, Microsoft Edge Vulnerability Research Lead, about 45 percent of frequent vulnerabilities and exposures in 2019 were connected to JIT. Norman also cites Mozilla statistics suggesting that a JIT issue was used in over half of all Chrome exploits found in the wild. 

Turning off JIT will “remove about half of the V8 issues that need to be fixed,” according to the report. As a result, Norman claims, there will be fewer security updates and emergency fixes. However, no one wants a sluggish browser. JIT was disabled, and JavaScript benchmarks were substantially lower. 

In additional performance testing, Norman adds that when JIT was removed, most of Microsoft’s tests indicated little or minor differences, and users seldom noticed a difference in daily surfing. 

Better security in exchange for a mediocre browser performance is an acceptable compromise for some people. This is particularly true for journalists, activists, and anyone who may meet sensitive information. If you’re using a beta version of Edge, you can use Super Duper Secure Mode, but there are certain restrictions. Edge Canary, Dev, and Beta have the feature under edge:/flags. 

What is the purpose of Super Duper Secure Mode, the burning topic is on everyone’s mind? The browser vulnerability IT consultants wants to “have fun with this project,” according to Norman, which includes giving it a “somewhat controversial name” because it’s amusing and it’s too early to give it a more “formal” designation. Fair! 

Norman did, however, mention in a tweet that they were open to suggestions for alternate names, as the name would most certainly need to be changed in the future. Boo. Allows hope Microsoft’s suits loosen up a little and let everyone have some fun. 

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